Do you feel strong? That you have power inside?
In your heart?
In your head?
And in your body?
Then the next question is how do you get your power out to the world?
When you feel you have joy, love, commitment and strength in your butt and arms?
Well, there are many ways you can and should let it out as:
1: Keep a door open for a stranger
2: Forgive a person that hurts you.
3: To make sure you reach your goals.
4: Get to the gym all though you don’t feel like it.
5: Smile to and be positive all though you feel crap.
6: Accept that life is sh.. sometimes and accept it and move on.
7: Give hugs and kisses.
8: Dance in the living room
9: Surprise your love
10: Be by yourself and make yourself happy!
There a lot of ways to get the power out!
There are though 2 ways you REALLY can get your power raising to new heights that I will recommend you today.

1: Give to other people.
It`s the one thing that will cure all pain and make your light shine, all most no matter what! :
2: Hit Hard!
Put your body in a power state! Go and take a boxing class and hit hard. Feel your power, your strength and hit it! To put your body in physical state is a very efficient way to get your in power raising fast!
Try it!
Give someone a hug and then go and hit hard in the gym!

Let`s Shine!