My Shine Time Schedule

6 Well done!
Congratulations on making these changes in your life, that deserves a toast! Well, done! You have now all the pieces you need to design your smarter way of living.
Let`s go and do the last part and schedule your new daily life, so you can start living it! Put your different categories into your week plan. So you easily can organize your week based on the activities you have on your list. The different categories will tell you WHAT you are going to do on that specific day and time frame and HOW long you are going to focus on that aspect of your life.
You will choose which category you want to start your Monday with, for example: MY CARE and then write down what you will do in the time fram you have given this category, for example workout + meditation from 0600-0730. Maybe you have children getting up at 0730 and you write the category CHILDREN, and when you are going to work you put up the category WORK and when you are with your friends, family or partner you put up RELATIONSHIPS and so on. Do it on all the 7 days of the week and feel free to leave some time open too. Remember to also put in the things you added to your list that you want to use more time on. Make sure to have all categories represented in your week plan.
Let`s go and Let’s get started living a smarter and easier lifestyle!

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