
C-vitamin and imune system boost

Feeling under the weather?Drink this yellow gold drink from my friend and colleague Isabel Santos to get your body up and going again.This drink is combining vitamin C-rich citrus with immune modulating herbs. This is truly the ultimate cold and flu tonic!It contains...


Isn`t that what we all want?An evening that fills us with inspiration, love and an evening we can share with good people.

How to keep calm (no matter what)!

Hello,how are you doing?I hope you are enjoying this day, just as I am. If not I hope this post will cheer you up!Today I want to tell you how you can teach yourself to be more happy, peaceful and calm.Isn`t that what we all want?The trick, or the thing, or the fact...

Do a 2 min home workout!

Hello,Today I want to share a short workout sequence you can do where ever you are to strengthen your stomach, butt and back. You will also increase your mobility in your backIt will take you less than 2 minutes to do and if you want to go crazy bananas you do the...

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