Here is my favorite Eggnog recipe when it`s easter.
It`s full of proteins with the eggs and with the right sweetener you avoid the sugar and the fat storage.
Helle´s Eggnog Recipe:
1-2 persons
– 2 Eggs
Choose between:
– Stevia (Start of with 3 drops and add some more if you want it sweeter).
-1-2 teaspoon: Sukrin white or gold (erythritol)

Put the eggs in a bowl and whip it as long as necessary to get the right consistency to the eggnog. Then add 1-2 tea spoons of Sukrin Gold or drops of Stevia in it and blend it. Taste the eggnog to check it is sweet enough. Beaware that it won’t get the exact same consistency as with regular sugar, but again: It`s healthier and it should taste delicious! Add som raw cacao powder on top and serve!

Serve right away!

PS: Do you want to adjust your diet after Easter to get the results you want? To loose weight and get strong and toned? Check out my NEW Let`s Shine Nutrition program and get it with a discount now!