
Give your employees an effective, flexible and personal training offer!

How time-efficient, flexible and comprehensive is your company's training offer?

It is not just the working routines that has changed after Corona. This also applies to training routines. Give your employees the opportunity to get more energy and build a strong and fit body, effectively! 

Everything is online, so employees save time by not having to go to the gym.

Personal weekly registrations and follow ups included, to secure progression and motivation.

Flexible and short workout programs for your employees to enjoy!

You can now offer the employees:

  • Effective training programs with a duration of 5-40 minutes that can be done both at work, at home and when travelling!
  • Training program with functional strength exercises that you do not need equipment to carry out.
  • Weekly personal follow-up of each individual by a coach.
  • Lifestyle tools such as meditation and mental training for increased balance in everyday life.
  • The possibility to register own results, goals and training sessions, etc.


This Let’s Shine offer has a value of NOK 3,790 per employee/month, but now your company can get it from only NOK 159 per employee to only NOK 110 per employee/month. * The price assumes commitment for 12 months.

Let's Shine online training, Nutrition and lifestyle platform

Let’s Shine online training, nutrition and lifestyle platform provides a comprehensive, time-efficient training offer with personal follow-up, which will give your employees a strong, healthy and trained body. Whether your company chooses Let’s Shine as the main training offer or as an additional offer.

Elevate your employees and the

Give your employees access to Let’s Shines Lifestyle’s online platform today! Strengthen your employees both physically and mentally, and reduce pain and injuries. Better health gives increased energy, and not at least better performance at work!

Do you want to know more?

Contact us today for more information and get a Let’s Shine offer tailored to your company!


BONUS: Get a 45-minute inspirational lecture for your employees in person or as a webinar with the theme: How to get a better “Work&Life balance” with concrete tools for your employees to achieve this.

About Helle Luxe, owner of Let's Shine

  • Lifestyle advisor, speaker and author.
  • Helle has a bachelor’s degree with specialization in psychology from the University of Oslo, and is also trained as a personal trainer, dietitian and coach.
  • Helle started Let’s Shine studio in 2008 and has been guiding people for almost 20 years.
  • In 2014, she published the books: “Smart Mamma” and “Train smarter!” with Sigrid Bonde Tusvik, Vår Staude and Tone Damli.
  • Helle has previously been VG’s training expert for several years with her own weekly training column.
  • Her philosophy “7 Pillars” has been developed over two decades, and is based on 7 basic pillars in training, diet and lifestyle to shine more in life.

Helle Luxe and The Let`s Shine Team

Let us help you find the right program
for you!