

so today my goal is to give you no more excuses for not taking healthy food choices on less perfect days. More correctly on days where you can’t plan your meals. Instead you need to have a to go kit and just bring it along.

Here I will tell you what you need to pack with you. I would recommend you buying and packing at least five days o go packets once a week. Doing so you will always have a o go pack ready to bring with you.

Meal 1: 06-09am

One cup of Coffee with:
2 tbs of unsalted butter and 1 tbs of MCT oil in it.

Or a hot cacao:
with 1 tbs raw cacao powder, 2 tbs of raw cacao butter and 1 tbs of MCT coconut oil.

Meal 2: 11am-2pm

Eat one big avocado and 1- 3 tbs of olive oil

or 5-8 tbs of olive oil
A box of tuna in water
or 2-3 eggs
or approximately 100-150gram of chicken/fish/meat

Alternatively you can eat 100grams of almonds (ca1,5dl of almonds or three handfuls) if you don’t have any other food available. You will then get around 21 grams of protein and healthy fats.

Remember to eat vegetables too as: Carrots, cucumber, celery

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