

Good morning!

2019 is just around the corner and I`ll start this last day by saying: Thankyou!

I deeply appreciate you being a part of my world and I hope my articles have been helping you in your life. That I have inspired you to take actions that make you shine more both inside and outside.

I want to kick start your year by giving you that are in my world a chance to get theguidanceyou need to shine in your life, where ever you are!

I`ll give you:

My Shine Workout Program
My Shine Nutrition Program
My Shine Lifestyle

You will get recipes, several workout programs, 21days plans and much more!


90 minutes of personal guidence on the telephone with me where I`ll help you get your results you are dreaming of in 2019!
(There will be 3 sessions a 30min).

The full price of this is normally 5360,-
In January you`ll get all the programs and my personal guidance for a

total of only: 2200,- norwegian kroner!

The offer is only valid in January 2019. Get your programs and your personalguidance by emailing me at post@hellesworld.com and I will arrange for your first personalguidance and you will get your first program to get started!

I promise that this is the best offer you will get if your really want to get long lasting results fast. I`ll give you the programs, the recipe and the guidance on on how to get what you want!

If you really want a change in your life. Invest in this and make 2019 your best year ever!
I`m looking forward to talk to you and help you in 2019.

Happy new year!



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