

How are you?
If you are reading this during Christmas I hope you are enjoying yourself with your friends and loved ones.

If you are reading this in February or in the summer or autumn, I still hope you are enjoying yourself with your friends and loved ones. (ha ha)

My point here is that you can start your best year when ever you want to. Itdoesn’t have to be when the calendar tells us it`s a new year.

You decide,
when you want to start at new year.
When you want to commit to new goals that you want to achieve.

So, let`s start now, today.
Answer the one question that will give you a great year:

What is going to be your definition of your best year ever?

When the next year is over, how will you know that it was your best year ever? That`s the question.
You need to know and have a vision of what it looks like. If not a new year will pass you by without you getting what you want. Because you don`t now what it looks like and feels like. You need to have a vision of it to achieve it.
Do you want to earn more?
Get a stronger and a more fit body?
Do you want to travel more?
Be more with friends?
Or travel more?
You decide.
Create your best year ever by writing down on your cellphone:
My best year ever means:
Then you know and then you can take actions to make it your best year ever.
And if you want to take it a step further and find out what truly would make it your best year ever, and how to take actions to make it I`ll recommend you listen to the podcast below.
It will help you make your year full of more Joy, love, freedom and abundance.

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