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Do you know the ingredients that are necessary to have in your life to shine?

Do you believe that it`s all about working out or eating healthy?
Well, today I´m sharing my recipe with you and the ingredients you need to have to shine in your life!

The good news are that if you start putting these ingredients in your life you will be happier, get more energy, feel more loved and yes, you will shine more inside and outside too.

The bad news are that you need morethen just squats andvegetables, but you know that by now don`t you? I mean, when you have been working out and eating healthy have you felt that you got it all?

I haven`t.

I feel better, stronger and more energized, but ldidn’t`t feel full.

Therefor I have through the last couple of years found which ingredients that arenecessary to feel full and shine and of course I`m sharing it with you.

Helle`s world is full of the ingredients and more are to come. If you want to get the ingredients in your life get yourself my ShineNutrition, Workout and Life>and you will have what you need, to start cooking the life that makes you shine!

Check out the recipe below and find out which ingredients you have in your life and if there isanyone missing?

And the secret ingredient?

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