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Have you ever met a person who radiates love, power, joy, safety, and calmness? Someone who emits lovely energy and presence? The probability is high that this person also feels full of love, power, joy, and peace.
In simple terms: You cannot radiate something that you do not first feel yourself. That’s the secret. That is also the essence of the tools Let’s Shine offers in training, diet, and lifestyle. The aim is for you to feel brimming with love, power, joy, and peace, simply by being yourself.
After all, isn’t that what you want to achieve and feel, regardless of your goal?

At least that is my claim and that is why I am happy to be able to give you my 7 pillars to achieve this. The 7 pillars are concrete tools that will take you from where you are now, to where you feel full of love, power, joy and peace. They are all important in their own way, and give you what you need to feel amazing, every day.
Here you can see and read more about the 7 pillars and assess how well you master them:
- Heart training
- Mental training
- Nutritional training
- Physical training
- Meditation training
- Joy training
- Give training
You can find out now! By clicking the button below and rating yourself on the different pillars, you will get an answer.
You assign a score based on how well you feel you’ve mastered each pillar and how consistently you engage in activities related to that pillar. For instance, if you only exercise sporadically and don’t feel particularly strong or fit, your score might be 1-2 stars. Similarly, for dietary habits: Are you eating appropriately? Do you maintain a healthy relationship with food? And in terms of joy: How well do you embrace daily and weekly moments of enjoyment? Both alone and with your loved ones?
The score is a snapshot of where you currently stand, and it can change as early as next week. The most exciting part is that if you’re part of the Let’s Shine Lifestyle, you can track your progress. Regardless, you can obtain your score today by taking the test now!
Remember that new tools produce new results. Do you want new results in your life and feel better? Then you need to do something different, otherwise you will get the same result you have now.
Take the test now and find your Shine score!
I can’t wait to give you tools to feel even better and shine more!
Post in Norwegian
Har du noen gang møtt en person som stråler ut kjærlighet, kraft, glede, trygghet og ro? Som bare sender ut nydelig energi og tilstedeværelse? Sannsynligheten er stor for at denne personen også føler seg full av kjærlighet, kraft, glede og ro.
Enkelt sagt: Du kan ikke stråle ut noe du ikke først føler selv. Det er hemmeligheten. Det er også poenget med verktøyene Let`s Shine tilbyr innen trening, kosthold og livsstil. At du skal føle deg full av både kjærlighet, kraft, glede og ro, ved å være deg.
For når alt kommer til alt, er det ikke det du ønsker å oppnå og føle, uansett hva målet ditt er?

Husk at nye verktøy gir nye resultater. Vil du ha nye resulater i ditt liv og føle deg bedre?
Da er du avhengig av å gjøre noe annerledes, hvis ikke vil du få det samme resultatet du har nå.
Ta testen nå og finn din Shine score!
Jeg gleder meg til å gi deg verktøy til å føle deg enda bedre og til å stråle mer!
Let’s Shine