This week I hope you are starting to see and feel the benefits of organizing and redesigning your week plan. You should feel happier, more balanced and a feeling of getting more done and having more spare time. By adding to your week plan more of the things you want in your life, your life should also feel more meaningful and pleasant.
On the forth week we keep repeating the routines you now have learnt and especially the mental training routines. We also step it up by not only giving to ourselves, but start giving more to others. The goal with this is to make ourselves happier through making other people happy. It`s also very easy to be hung up in our own daily challenges and make them bigger and more challenging than they are. By giving to other people we will feel more balanced facing our own daily challenges and giving can also release tension in our body and mind and make ourselves happier too.
Remember to keep doing your existing routines too. Preferably we recommend you doing new routines in 90 days, but doing it only 30 days you will be on a roll! So let’s keep it up this week too and hopefully you will keep going for 90 days!
Great work so far! Keep the Smart routines and keep enjoying the benefits!