Welcome to Week 3


How is it going?

1: Register your results in your copied “MY RESULTS” form with your initials you made the first day of the program to see your progression. If you haven’t made it yet, don’t worry just click here to make it. 
2: Then you can share your results with us and get feedback if you want to:
You need to have an email account on your device to share your results with us. If not, send an email to post@letsshine.no and mark it with “my results”.
The third week we keep repeating and diving more into meditation and doing the meditation routine through the whole week. 
So before going into the bathroom in the morning or before you turn on the TV in the evening, it`s time to give yourself 5-10min of meditation. 
We will also step it up and not only give to ourselves, but start giving more to others. The goal with this is to make ourselves happier through making other people happy. 
It`s also very easy to be hung up in our own daily challenges and make them bigger and more challenging than they are. By giving to other people we will feel more balanced facing our own daily challenges and giving can also release tension in our body and mind and make ourselves happier too.  
Keep it up!

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