
Info and Health Registration

Registrations before First Consultation


Please share what you would like to achieve from the menu below. Just click on the results you want. Thank you.


Please give yourself a score on the questions below. Choose between 1-10, where 1 is the lowest and 10 is highest and the best score. Thank you. 

Great! Thank you. This will make it easier to give you what you want.


Please register one of the following routines before your First Consultation. Start with the routines related to your main goal. If you want a workout routine, start by registrating your workout routines. The other two you can also do, but it’s no must to first session. The more specific you are, the easier to adjust and optimize for your best results.

Well done! You are now set to take your health and life to your next level! See you soon!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me!

PS: Join our online community here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Shareandshine/

Get also daily inspiration on facebook eller instagram.

Information about your first consultation and Let's Shine

Before the first consultation, it is desirable that you register information about your lifestyle. If you don’t have time for this, the information will be reviewed during the guidance session. Have a mobile phone or something to take notes on during the session. If it involves training, wear training clothes. Send any requested information by email no later than before the appointment.

STUDIO ADDRESS: Let’s Shine Studio, Geitmyrsveien 7, 0171 Oslo. Instructor: Helle Luxe, phone: 90082183, email: helle@letsshine.no

ONLINE ADDRESS: On Zoom at the agreed time: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85203583467?pwd=QWc1U3UrRlRXTTIrZTY1b2pnTDVjQT09

What does your first consultation include:

  • Preparations by the instructor before the consultation
  • A Let’s Shine first consultation with Helle for 70 minutes with conversation, tests, and measurements based on your goals and needs, including a summary sent after the consultation with recommendations for training/diet or lifestyle program and routine.
  • A customized Let’s Shine training, diet, or lifestyle program based on your goals sent after the consultation. (value 3450,-)*
  • Follow-up between the consultation and the next follow-up session by email and SMS (total of 15 minutes).

*The program will be sent to you after the consultation.

The price for the first consultation is 5890,- (full value: 12 870,-), payment is made via invoice by email. Prices for further follow-up and Let’s Shine packages will be sent to you after your first consultation, based on your wishes and needs. Subsequent guidance sessions are 60 or 50 minutes, with the possibility of splitting the session if needed, called express sessions. 


At Let’s Shine, you can expect close and personal follow-up, customized programs, and good, long-lasting results. We expect you to follow the agreed program and to inform us if you have any questions or feedback, or if there are any changes in your life situation that affect the cooperation.

By receiving guidance from Let’s Shine, you will be registered on our email list via Mailchimp. You will also have access to Let’s Shine programs via email and the Let’s Shine online platform.

For more information, visit our website or contact Helle/your instructor by email.



Owner of Let's Shine

  • Livsstilsveileder, foredragsholder og forfatter.

  • Bachelorgrad i sosialantropologi med psykologi fra Universitetet i Oslo.

  • Personlig trener, kostholdsveileder og livsstilscoach.

  • Over 20 års erfaring med trening og  livsstilsveiledning.

  • Author  of “Smart Mamma” and “Train Smarter!”

  • Tidligere treningsrådgiver i avisen VG med en ukentlig treningspalte.

  • Filosofi basert på 7 søyler for å skinne mer i livet.

  • Owner of the Let’s Shine Lifestyle Online platform
  • Tilbyr webinarer og foredrag, samt bedriftscoaching og eventer.

Let us help you find the right program
for you!