
If you want a snack or a meal after a workout or just something to eat before bedtime, this smoothie is perfect!

I have tried to make the recipe as easy as possible so you can easily buy the ingredients and make this delicious smoothie!

All you need is:

2 dl Almond milk
(unsweetened and natural is to prefer).

4 table spoons of Peanut butter
(Choose one without sugar or to many other ingredients except peanuts and salt. If you just want a small snack take only 2 spoons of peanut butter!)

1 table spoon with Sukrin Gold
(or 1/3 of a banana or 1/2 tablespoon of honey, but l recommend Sukrin gold to avoid sugar that effects your bloodsugar).

2 scoops of protein powder
(My favorite is collagen powder. It has a very neutral taste).

Blend it all together and put some cinnamon on top!


PS: If you want to make it a bigger meal l would put a hand full of almonds in it too.

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